There are a number of methods to avoid late fees on your account. You could set a recurring reminder in your phone or diary, or log into the Kogan Money Credit Cards Mobile App or Kogan Money Credit Cards Online.
You could set up Direct Debit Payment to automatically pay either your Closing Balance, or the Minimum Payment Due, plus any Overdue Amount and any Overlimit Amount, every month on the Minimum Payment Due Date from the bank account of your choice. Log in to the Kogan Money Credit Cards Mobile App or Kogan Money Credit Cards Online
If your financial circumstances have changed due to COVID-19, or due to other factors such as unemployment, injury, illness or natural disaster, you can request assistance by completing an Online Hardship Application form, or downloading a copy of the PDF Hardship Application form and emailing to us at or posting to PO Box 3453 Sydney NSW 2001.
The type of assistance that we provide will depend upon your individual circumstances, however some of the types of assistance we provide include:
After we receive your application for financial assistance, we will contact you with available solutions for your individual situation, within 21 days.
If COVID-19 has impacted or exacerbated your situation, you are entitled to apply for the three month payment deferral for your Credit Card, account(s).
If you need more or different support, you can read about our Financial Hardship assistance here.
Provided you are up to date in your repayments at the point of applying for a deferral and you have an available credit limit, you will be able to continue to spend on your card during the payment deferral period.
However, please note that there will be a period of up to 48 hours during which your credit card will be suspended from usage while your payment deferral is put in place.. This may mean you have recurring payments from your credit card rejected during this time.
We will not report any missed payments to the credit bureau during the period of your payment deferral.
Your Instalment Plan, or Fixed Payment Option (FPO), will effectively be paused for the duration of your approved payment deferral, meaning you will not be required to make any repayments.
Some more information you should know:
For more information about your Fixed Payment Option, please refer to the Terms and Conditions
If you have a question we haven’t answered here, please contact us online
Organisations available to help you through difficult times.
Lifeline provides Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Call Lifeline at any time on 13 11 14.
RUOK is a not-for-profit organisation helping inspire everyone to have regular, meaningful conversations to help anyone who might be struggling with life’s ups and downs.
Financial counselling is a free, confidential service to assist people in financial difficulty. The National Debt Helpline website also has easy to follow, step-by-step guides for tackling debt problems.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty as result of circumstances outside of COVID-19, Kogan Money Credit Cards has a longstanding Financial Hardship process, which supports customers in unique situations with personalised support. You can read more about Financial Hardship here.