FAQs Archive - Page 3 of 12 - Kogan Money

Archives: FAQs

How will I receive my statements?

We’ll send you an email each month to let you know when your statement for the month is available to view in the Kogan Money Credit Cards Mobile App or Kogan Money Credit Cards Online, rather than sending your statement directly to you via email.  You can view 2 years’ worth of previous statements in…

Will my card be affected?

Your card will continue to work for purchases and transactions as normal, however, there may be some disruption when withdrawing funds or checking your account balance at an ATM.

How can I manage my account?

You can manage your credit card account through the Kogan Money Credit Cards Mobile App on your mobile device as well as through our Online Servicing channel at cards.koganmoney.com.au. Both platforms allow you to perform functions such as:

Will my login details change?

Yes, your login details will change. You can retrieve your new User ID directly from the new app or Online Servicing channel when the new experience is available. You’ll be guided through how to retrieve your new User ID and set a new password when you get there. If you can’t retrieve your new User…

What if I don’t do anything?

The current Kogan Money Credit Cards Mobile App and your existing User ID and password will be retired and won’t be accessible after 14 March 2025, so you’ll need to switch over to the new one to continue managing your card and rewards via the app. If you prefer to use our Kogan Money Credit…

Why do I need to download a new app?

We’re moving to a new system which allows us to roll out new features and additional security. We’ll retire our current app when the new one becomes available.